In her Wet Dreams.

Posted: October 17, 2014 in My Views

A couple of weeks back, I hit the bottle a little harder than usual and it so happened that I was with my laptop. So I decided to venture into a world that I usually spare for my private antics…. You see, I am the kind of guy that takes advantage of ‘triangular thoughts’ when I am drinking. I tend to think a lot and at times be on my inner most annoying creativity. Just so you know, all the poems (if I may call them that) I have written, have been during nights of major liquid induction with my laptop at my disposal.

So one drink led to another and I decided to write a couple of random sexual lines that I would later come to share. I am not in the business of sharing people’s pictures or messages but I know a good piece when I develop one. I have decided to post this as part of my #UgBloggers7Days Challenge. But as my not so good friend Pearl said; I needed to end the challenge with a bang. And what better way to do so than go out of line to share some of my really questionable works!!! Now don’t judge me after reading this but try to understand that I am trying to be a bit different from what the rest had saved for their final pieces. Or did they save anything? This particular piece is dedicated to you the reader from my inner most stupidity. Here you go…

Brenda is the kind of girl that works at a top level agency and it pays her a rather obscene amount of money. She knows she is earning the mother of all rip offs but she continues to wake up every morning and go to work so as she can stamp in her time card and wait for the month’s pay cheque.

I met Brenda on a lonely Saturday night out in the middle of the ever changing Uganda rainy season. We instantly kicked off and we discussed everything from life to childhood memories to future prospects.

As we downed one alcoholic drink after the other, Brenda kept on saying all kinds of things about herself. I had never met a girl who was willing to share her life story as Brenda was.

Alcohol can be a rather mean ingredient to one’s life.

At around 3 am, Brenda pulled me closer and asked me to recite a sexual poem from the blue. DO NOT judge me. I was having fun so I obliged and this is close to what I recited for Brenda…

Days are short, nights are long but beauty as superior as yours is everlasting…. *I took a deep breath and she smiled*

There will come a time in your life when you will be begged and bribed to deliver wonderland to the people but I hope you refuse. *She opened up her eyes wide*

Slow down, these would be my reasons….

I want to know that the next time I see you, I will be allowed to do the kind of things to you that you only fantasize about.

I want to hold you and make love to you like a queen who just discovered her inner true will is in my hands.

I want to make you moan like it was all a dream, like you’re just discovering things about yourself that you never knew were there.

I want to make you scream my name like I just broke your virginity, I want you to sweat every other drop of ectasyyo that will make you want me forever inside you.

I want you to scream my name and tell me to go deeper and hold you closer like you will never see me again.

I want you to sweat like you just took a 10km run through the sunset. Smile at the pain that is disguised by the pleasure.

Stroke my back like you’re seeing me for the first time after a decade of lost love.

Hold onto me and I will give you life’s kiss as though nothing else matters. Let it be your swan song.

I want you to scream and mourn like your wet dreams are happening in broad daylight. Like you just discovered your G-Spot for the first time.

I want you to cum all over my bed like you have no worry about the laundry lady. I want you to lose your breath with my every thrust.

I want you to gasp for your breath like you are about to drown and I bring you back to reality with the best kiss.

Scream and moan, call me baby…. Say the things that your boyfriend has never heard.

I want you to wake up from this dream and buy me the next drink….

Brenda is the girl that got married two months after our encounter….

  1. Olive Nakiyemba says:

    Mukama Kotonda! *rubs olive oil over my eyes*

    p.s. Today is day 5 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nev says:

    “I want you to wake up from this dream and buy me the next drink….Brenda is the girl that got married two months after our encounter….”

    Aha. Fleeting life.


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